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    46 TALQ-certified Products Ease Investment Decisions in Smart Cities

    Published on 2022-10-26

    The TALQ Consortium announces several new certifications according to the TALQ standard

    The TALQ Consortium, which has developed the Smart City Protocol, an OpenAPI interface standard for smart city device networks, boasts 46 officially TALQ-compliant products. The certified products include Central Management Software (CMS) and Outdoor Device Networks (ODN; Gateways) from 32 different vendors worldwide, for various smart city applications.
    Certifying their products according to the Smart City Protocol standard allows vendors to assure interoperability with products of other manufacturers. An increasing number of TALQ certifications means a broad choice of systems for cities and municipalities and the opportunity to avoid vendor-lock-in when investing in smart city applications, like Smart Street Lighting, Waste Management or Traffic Control.

    Public tenders for various smart city applications globally more and more include the requests for compliance to international standards. This is one of the reasons why the number of TALQ certifications has risen nearly every month. Vendors want to make sure that their systems are future-proof and allow interoperability with other market players. The TALQ Consortium, which celebrates its 10th anniversary in 2022, has been verifying the correct implementation of its interface protocol in numerous smart city solutions with a rigorous certification procedure since 2017.

    The current 46 certified products implementing TALQ version 2 include 21 Central Management Software (CMS) and 25 Gateways (Outdoor Device Networks, ODN). The only reliable source summarising all officially TALQ-compliant solutions remains the Consortium’s website.

    “We are extremely proud to have our powerful BrightCity central management system join the list of TALQ-compliant products. We continue to work towards our goal of providing interoperable products and the TALQ certification is another significant step towards enabling multiple street light control networks to coexist on a single great platform. Our hope is that this will continue to accelerate adoption of critical infrastructure monitoring equipment.” expresses Amir Hirsch, Business Development, ST Engineering Telematics Wireless Ltd.

    “TALQ provides municipalities with a standardized communication protocol that allows cities to mix and match products from different suppliers. This allows them to not have to commit to a single supplier solution, which makes it easier and more transparent for implementing a long-term smart city plan.” adds Carlos Bay-Schmith, Owner of Sicom Electronics International S.A.

    “We are proud and excited that our Luminizer CMS has successfully passed the certification process for the TALQ Smart City Protocol which provides a further step in our mission towards full interoperability, allowing our clients to easily integrate the full range of TALQ certified systems in their cities.” says Robert Tissing, General Manager Luminext B.V.

    “We enjoy to witness the success of our joint work in defining a suitable standard over the past decade. But our work is not finished here. We are continuing to improve and enlarge the protocol with new smart city profiles whilst further evolving our sophisticated Test Tool Suite and the certification process itself.” concludes Simon Dunkley, Secretary General of the TALQ Consortium.

    Entire press release (English) as pdf

    NOTA DE PRENSA (Español)

    46 productos con certificación TALQ facilitan las decisiones de inversión en las ciudades inteligentes
    El TALQ Consortium anuncia nuevas certificaciones en el estándar TALQ

    El TALQ Consortium, que desarrolló el Smart City Protocol, una interfaz OpenAPI estándar global para redes de dispositivos de ciudades inteligentes, lanza 46 productos oficialmente con certificación TALQ. Entre los productos certificados se incluyen software de administración central (CMS) y redes de dispositivos de exteriores (ODN; Gateways) de 32 vendedores diferentes de todo el mundo para diversas aplicaciones de ciudades inteligentes.
    El certificar sus productos de acuerdo al estándar Smart City Protocol permite a los vendedores asegurar su interoperabilidad con productos de otros fabricantes. Un número cada vez mayor de certificaciones TALQ supone una elección amplia de sistemas para ciudades y municipios, así como la oportunidad de evitar caer en las redes de un único fabricante al invertir en aplicaciones de ciudades inteligentes, por ejemplo, de alumbrado público inteligente, gestión de residuos o control del tráfico.

    Nota de prensa Español (pdf)


    46 produits certifiés TALQ facilitent les décisions d’investissement dans les Smart Cities
    Le Consortium TALQ annonce plusieurs nouvelles certifications au standard TALQ

    Le Consortium TALQ, qui a développé le Protocole Smart City, interface OpenAPI standard pour les réseaux d’équipements smart city, compte officiellement 46 produits certifiés TALQ. Les produits certifiés comprennent des logiciels de gestion centralisée (CMS) et des réseaux de d’équipements connectés (ODN ; Gateways) de 32 fournisseurs différents à travers le monde pour diverses applications smart city.
    La certification de produits conformément au standard TALQ permet aux fournisseurs d’assurer la compatibilité de leurs produits avec ceux d’autres fabricants. Un nombre croissant de certifications TALQ signifie un large choix de systèmes pour les villes et communes et la possibilité d’éviter une dépendance à seul fournisseur lors d’investissements dans des solutions smart city telles que l’éclairage intelligent urbain, la gestion des déchets ou le contrôle de la circulation routière.

    Communiquè de presse française (pdf)


    46 TALQ-zertifizierte Produkte erleichtern Investitionsentscheidungen in Smart Cities
    Das TALQ-Konsortium gibt mehrere neue Zertifizierungen nach dem TALQ-Standard bekannt

    Das TALQ-Konsortium, Erfinder des Smart-City-Protokolls, dem globalen OpenAPI-Schnittstellenstandard für Smart-City-Gerätenetzwerke, zählt derzeit offiziell 46 offiziell TALQ-konforme Produkte. Zu den zertifizierten Produkten gehören zentrale Verwaltungs- und Steuerungssoftware (CMS) und Outdoor-Gerätenetzwerke (ODN; Gateways) von weltweit 32 verschiedenen Anbietern für verschiedene Smart-City-Anwendungen. Eine Zertifizierung der eigenen Produkte nach dem Smart-City-Protokoll-Standard sichert Anbieter die Interoperabilität mit Produkten anderer Hersteller. Die wachsende Zahl an TALQ-Zertifizierungen bedeutet für Städte und Gemeinden eine breitere Auswahl an Systemen. Das heißt, dass bei Investitionen in Smart-City-Anwendungen – wie intelligente Straßenbeleuchtung, Abfallmanagement oder Verkehrsmanagement – eine Abhängigkeit von einzelnen Herstellern vermieden werden kann.

    Vollständige Pressemeldung auf Deutsch (pdf)




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    46 种 TALQ 认证产品让智能城市领域的投资决策更轻松
    TALQ 联盟根据 TALQ 标准宣布了多项新的认证

    TALQ 联盟开发了“智慧城市协议”,这是一种用于智慧城市设备网络的 OpenAPI 接口标准, 已拥有46 种获得正式 TALQ 认证的产品。获得认证的产品包括来自全球 32 家不同供应商的中心管理系统 (CMS) 和户外设备网络(ODN;网关),这些产品广泛用于各种智慧城市应用领域。
    供应商按照智慧城市协议标准-TALQ标准申请产品认证,以确保其产品与其他制造商的产品可实现互操作。随着获得 TALQ 认证的产品越来越多,城市和市政当局可从中进行自由选择,从而在进行投资智慧城市应用(如智能街道照明、垃圾管理或交通管控等)时,可避免被少数供应商垄断。

    新闻稿 (pdf)

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