TALQ Consortium – Setting the Smart City Standard
In 2012 the TALQ Consortium defined a - now globally accepted - interface standard for smart city device networks. The Smart City Protocol is a specification for information exchange suitable for integration in various software products and systems, which enables interoperability between Central Management Software (CMS) and Outdoor Device Networks (ODN) from different vendors is enabled. The core detailed specification is public and shared on GitHub.
The TALQ standard provides cities and municipalities a broad choice of interoperable systems and thereby helps to avoid vendor-lock-in when investing in smart city applications, such as Smart Street Lighting, Waste Management or Traffic Control.
TALQ provides answers to the main challenges of building really smart cities including increasing safety and comfort for inhabitants, reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions worldwide, raising cost efficiency for operators managing a smart city.
Let’s TALQ !

Becoming part of TALQ
TALQ is an open industry consortium addressing the entire smart city environment. Manufacturers of various smart city applications can join as members to influence the protocol and to have their products approved as TALQ-certified. Other smart city stakeholders such as cities, municipalities, utilities, consultants, universities and many others can join the consortium as partners.
TALQ Introduction Video
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