Smart Outdoor Lighting
What's new in this approach?
Streetlights are strategic assets for cities and road authorities: they illuminate the roads we drive on, the pedestrian paths we walk along and the public areas where we gather. It provides us with safe roads, inviting public areas and enhanced security in our homes, businesses, and city centres.
The way outdoor lighting systems are operated and managed has changed greatly over time. In traditional lighting scouting team were driving during the night to spot failed lights. Paper maps and files were used to manage the maintenance of the lighting installation. Light levels could not be changed; the lighting remained at the same level throughout the night. The energy consumption of the lighting installation could only be estimated. The large number of streetlights and their wide geographic distribution in the cities made them difficult and expensive to operate.
Modern and Intelligent Outdoor Lighting
Together with the deployment of more efficient LED luminaires, Outdoor Lighting Networks (OLN), also known as Streetlight Control Systems, are proven solutions that help municipalities and utilities drastically reduce energy consumption while increasing safety in the street and reducing maintenance costs.
Various control system suppliers provide Light Point Controllers, Streetlight Cabinet Controllers and Central Management Software that enables cities and their maintenance contractors to turn it into a Smart Outdoor Lighting system:
- Program lamp dimming for each individual lamp and group of lamps to adapt the light level to the need and reduce energy consumption
- Control ON and OFF time to avoid day burners and save energy
- Automatically identify and report lamp failures and other lighting and electrical issues on the streetlight network
- Control streetlights and segments in real time
- Plan and route the maintenance work to minimize street blockages and maintenance effort
- Automated measurement of consumed energy