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    Video Tutorial: How to Ease TALQ Implementation?

    Published on 2021-02-01

    In this video tutorial you can experience how the TALQ development can be dramatically improved by using third party tools for the Open API Specification (OAS).

    The first part of the video provides an overview about OAS3 and several available tools. The second part of the video contains a demo of what can be achieved particularily with one of this tools: the OpenAPI Generator.

    You can witness:
    - How to install OpenAPI Generator
    - How to generate HTML documentation based on the TALQ OAS files
    - How to create a MySQL schema
    - How to generate the source code for a server stub with Spring Boot, checking its operation and modifying the code behind.
    - How to generate the source code for a Java client SDK that can be used in your project.

    The described benefits are applicable to all TALQ 2.x.x versions.

    Watch the video

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