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    TALQ Increases Security for its Certification Process

    Published on 2023-09-07

    An online test tool assures save certifications for TALQ-compliance

    The TALQ Consortium adds more security to its certification procedures. For several years already, a rigorous certification process has enabled TALQ-compliant products to be interoperable with one another. Furthermore, only official listing on the consortium’s website proves that the TALQ Specification has been implemented in a product and so has been officially certified. Now, an online version of the TALQ Certification Tool (TCT), replacing the stand-alone software, will bring the overall process reliability to a new level. Cities asking for TALQ-compliant systems in their tenders can rely on an even more robust and fraud resistant certification process.

    Since 2017 the Consortium has verified and awarded TALQ-compliance to manufacturers that implemented the TALQ interface standard successfully into their systems, thereby enabling interoperability with systems from different vendors. A core component of the strict certification procedure is a test tool suite – called TALQ Certification Tool (TCT) – that examines the correct implementation and functionality by testing a number of smart lighting and other smart city use cases. Thanks to the TCT, every member can – in confidence – gain experience, experiment and test their own TALQ integrations for as long and as often as they want. In doing so, companies can make sure that their products can interoperate with other systems and can test whether they are ready for certification.

    Enabling Interoperability and Protecting the Certification Process
    The tool itself, with its vast feature set - which is being continuously enlarged and updated according to new requirements - is an important asset for the consortium. With the new online version, the TCT (and its binary code) will be protected from potentially malicious use and from third parties. This is why cities and other end users, like utilities, can fully rely on TALQ-certified products. The online version also ensures that every member always has access to the latest version of the TCT and is thereby able to integrate the latest profiles and newest smart city applications use cases into products under development. TALQ members have cost-free 24/7 access to the test tool.

    “We are proud to continue our efforts encouraging more interoperability in across all aspects of smart cities by standardising interfaces between systems. To continue to be a reliable partner for cities, our focus is not only on the interface standard itself, which is evolving with changing market needs, but also the evaluation and certification process which is being continuously improved too.”, explains Simon Dunkley, Secretary General of the TALQ Consortium.

    Entire press release (English) as pdf

    NOTA DE PRENSA (Español)

    TALQ aumenta la seguridad en su proceso de certificación

    Una herramienta de prueba en línea garantiza certificaciones seguras para la certificación TALQ

    El TALQ Consortium añade mayor seguridad a sus procesos de certificación. Ya desde hace muchos años, un estricto proceso de certificación ha permitido que los productos que cumplen con TALQ sean interoperables entre sí. Además, únicamente la lista oficial en la página web del consorcio sirve como prueba de que se haya implementado la especificación TALQ en un producto y de que, de esa manera, se haya certificado oficialmente. Ahora, una versión en línea de la TALQ Certification Tool (TCT) (herramienta de certificación TALQ) remplazará al software autónomo, aumentando más aún la confiabilidad del proceso. Las ciudades que soliciten sistemas que cumplan con TALQ en sus licitaciones pueden confiar en un proceso de certificación aún más sólido y resistente a los fraudes.

    Nota de prensa Español (pdf)


    TALQ augmente la sécurité pour son processus de certification

    Un outil de test en ligne assure la sauvegarde des certifications pour la conformité TALQ

    Le Consortium TALQ augmente la sécurité de ses procédures de certification. Depuis plusieurs années déjà, un processus de certification rigoureux permet aux produits conformes à TALQ d’être interopérables entre eux. En outre, seule une inscription officielle sur le site web du Consortium prouve que la spécification TALQ a été mise en œuvre dans un produit et qu’elle a donc été officiellement certifiée. Désormais, une version en ligne de l’outil de certification TALQ (TCT), remplaçant le logiciel autonome, portera la fiabilité globale du processus à un niveau supérieur. Les villes qui demandent des systèmes conformes à TALQ dans leurs appels d’offres peuvent compter sur un processus de certification encore plus solide et résistant à la fraude.

    Communiquè de presse française (pdf)


    TALQ erhöht die Sicherheit seines Zertifizierungsprozesses

    Ein Online-Test-Tool sorgt für sichere TALQ-Konformitäts-Zertifizierungen

    Das TALQ-Konsortium erhöht die Sicherheit seines Zertifizierungsverfahrens. Seit Jahren ermöglicht der strenge Zertifizierungsprozess die Interoperabilität von TALQ-konformen Produkten unterschiedlicher Hersteller. Nur die Listung als TALQ-zertifiziertes Produkt auf der Website des Konsortiums belegt, dass die TALQ-Spezifikation in ein Produkt implementiert und offiziell überprüft wurde. Ab sofort ersetzt eine Online-Version des TALQ-Test-Tools (TALQ Certification Tool, TCT) die bislang eigenständig lauffähige Software, um die Zuverlässigkeit des gesamten Prozesses weiter zu verbessern. Städte und Gemeinden, die in ihren Ausschreibungen TALQ-kompatible Systeme vorschreiben, können sich somit auf ein noch betrugsresistenteres Zertifizierungsverfahren verlassen.

    Vollständige Pressemeldung auf Deutsch (pdf)

    보도 자료

    TALQ 인증 프로세스 보안 강화

    온라인 테스트 도구로 안전한 TALQ-호환 인증 보장

    스마트 시티 애플리케이션을 위한 글로벌 인터페이스 표준인 스마트 시티 프로토콜을 개발한 TALQ 컨소시엄이 인증 절차에 보안을 강화합니다. 이미 수년 동안 엄격한 인증 절차를 통해 TALQ-호환 제품은 서로 상호 운용되어 왔습니다. 또한 컨소시엄 웹사이트에 공식적으로 등재되어야만 제품에 TALQ 사양이 구현되어 공식 인증을 받았다는 것을 증명할 수 있습니다. 이제 독립 실행형 소프트웨어를 대체하는 온라인 버전의 TALQ 인증 도구(TCT)는 전반적인 프로세스 신뢰성을 새로운 차원으로 끌어올릴 것입니다. 입찰에서 TALQ-호환 시스템을 요구하는 도시는 사기를 방지하는 더욱 강력한 인증 프로세스를 사용할 수 있습니다.

    보도 자료 (pdf)





    新闻稿 (pdf)


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