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    How Fluvius Helped to Revolutionize the Smart City Asset Management

    Published on 2023-10-25

    TALQ Partners play an important role in evolving the Smart City Standard

    The TALQ Consortium, which developed the Smart City Protocol, a global interface standard for smart city applications, underlines the impact of TALQ Partners in improving and enriching its Specification. For example, Fluvius, the Flemish Distribution System Operator, has regularly been involved in TALQ meetings and technical discussions throughout the past 12 months. This fruitful collaboration enhanced the TALQ protocol's asset management capabilities, bringing transformative changes to smart city infrastructure for the benefit of cities and municipalities.

    Fluvius, responsible for managing and maintaining over 1.2 million light points across Flanders (Belgium), is fulfilling its TALQ Partnership with regular participation in TALQ Requirements Workgroup meetings and joint technical discussions. In doing so the Consortium not only receives valuable feedback from an end customer perspective, but it allows partners as well to submit new requirements and shape the future of the protocol. Fluvius’s suggestions have helped to incorporate state-of-the-art technology for an efficient, reliable, and cost-effective lighting asset management.

    One of the aims of the TALQ protocol is to facilitate the integration of multiple vendors into a single Central Management System (CMS), offering streamlined operations and reduced costs for the operator. "TALQ's existing framework for controlling and monitoring interactive luminaires aligns well with our operational needs," explains Filip Smets, Expert Materials & Methods at Fluvius. "However, we saw an opportunity to enrich the lighting asset management functionalities further and suggested some new requirements. As a TALQ partner, we're excited to contribute with our expertise."

    Mutual Benefits in the Smart City Environment
    For TALQ, the collaboration with partners and other experts in the field brings valuable end-user experience and, in the case described above, a wealth of knowledge in asset management. It's a win-win situation as the contributions from outside the Consortium are beneficial for advancing the TALQ protocol for all users.
    "The lighting asset management dimension of smart city infrastructure is pretty complex. Working together on this topic with partners like Fluvius, who manages a large and diverse portfolio, ensures that the TALQ protocol continues to be comprehensive and robust for all our members, partners and users,” says Simon Dunkley, Secretary General of the TALQ Consortium.

    For Fluvius, the partnership provides a pathway to implement a vendor-independent standard. This means significantly lower costs of operation and the opportunity to be compatible with a broader range of vendors, enhancing flexibility and operational efficiency.

    By combining the extensive lighting asset management experience with TALQ's pioneering work to define the Smart City Protocol, the way for a more cohesive, efficient, and sustainable smart city landscape is paved. Both parties are committed to a long-term vision that values open standards, vendor flexibility, and operational excellence for investment decisions in cities globally.

    Entire press release (English) as pdf

    NOTA DE PRENSA (Español)

    Fluvius ayuda a revolucionar la gestión de activos en las ciudades inteligentes

    Los socios de TALQ juegan un papel importante en el desarrollo del Smart City Standard

    El TALQ Consortium, que desarrolló el Smart City Protocol, un estándar de interfaz global para aplicaciones de ciudades inteligentes, destaca el impacto de los TALQ Partners en la mejora y enriquecimiento de su especificación. En este sentido, Fluvius, el operador flamenco de sistemas de distribución, ha participado con regularidad en las reuniones y debates técnicos de TALQ durante los últimos 12 meses. Esta fructífera colaboración ha mejorado las capacidades de gestión de activos del protocolo TALQ, proporcionando cambios transformadores en la infraestructura de las ciudades inteligentes que benefician a las ciudades y los municipios.

    Nota de prensa Español (pdf)


    Comment Fluvius a permis de révolutionner la gestion des actifs Smart City

    Les partenaires TALQ jouent un rôle important dans l’évolution de la norme Smart City

    Le Consortium TALQ, qui a développé le Protocole Smart City, norme d’interface internationale pour les applications des villes intelligentes, souligne l’influence des partenaires TALQ dans l’amélioration et l’étoffement de sa spécification. Par exemple : Fluvius, l’opérateur du réseau de distribution d’énergie de la région flamande, a régulièrement été impliqué dans les réunions TALQ et les discussions techniques au cours des 12 derniers mois. Cette fructueuse collaboration a amélioré les capacités de gestion des actifs du protocole TALQ, amenant des changements fondamentaux à l’infrastructure Smart City au profit des villes et des municipalités.

    Communiquè de presse française (pdf)


    Wie Fluvius dazu beigetragen hat das Smart City Asset Management zu revolutionieren

    TALQ-Partner spielen eine wichtige Rolle bei der Weiterentwicklung des Smart City Standards

    Das TALQ Konsortium, das mit dem Smart City-Protokoll einen globalen Schnittstellenstandard für Smart-City-Applikationen entwickelt hat, unterstreicht den positiven Einfluss von TALQ-Partnern bei der Verbesserung und Erweiterung seiner Spezifikation. Fluvius, ein flämischer Netzbetreiber, hat beispielsweise in den letzten 12 Monaten regelmäßig an TALQ-Treffen und technischen Diskussionen teilgenommen. Durch die fruchtbare Zusammenarbeit wurden die Asset-Management-Funktionen des TALQ-Protokolls verbessert, was zu transformativen Veränderungen der Smart-City-Infrastruktur zum Nutzen von Städten und Gemeinden führt.

    Vollständige Pressemeldung auf Deutsch (pdf)

    보도 자료

    Fluvius가 스마트 시티 자산관리 혁신에 기여한 방법

    TALQ 파트너는 스마트 시티 표준을 발전시키는 데 중요한 역할을 합니다

    스마트 시티 애플리케이션의 글로벌 인터페이스 표준인 스마트 시티 프로토콜을 개발한 TALQ 컨소시엄은 사양을 개선하고 강화하는 데 있어서 TALQ 파트너의 영향을 강조합니다. 예를 들어, 플랑드르 유통 시스템 운영자인 Fluvius는 지난 12개월 동안 정기적으로 TALQ 회의와 기술 토론에 참여해 왔습니다. 이러한 성과 있는 협업을 통해 TALQ 프로토콜의 자산 관리 기능이 향상되고 도시와 지방자치단체에 이익이 되는 스마트시티 인프라에 획기적인 변화를 가져왔습니다.

    보도 자료 (pdf)


    Fluvius 如何帮助实现智慧城市资产管理的变革

    TALQ 的合作伙伴们在推动智慧城市标准发展方面发挥着重要作用

    TALQ 联盟致力于为智慧城市应用打造全球接口标准《智慧城市协议》,旨在强调 TALQ 的合作伙伴们在改进和丰富其规范方面的影响力。例如,Flemish 配电系统运营商 Fluvius 在过去 12 个月间定期参加 TALQ 的会议和技术讨论。这一富有成效的合作提高了 TALQ 协议的资产管理能力,为智慧城市基础设施造福城市和市政当局带来了变革性的改变。

    新闻稿 (pdf)

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